David Singleton

David Singleton's Diary

Friday 21 June 2002

Today at the Vicarage The

Today at the Vicarage : The Vicarage

A significant week. For the first time, I feel that the past may be helping, rather than hindering, us in our efforts to engage with the future.

Amongst other things, it would appear that the audit of Big Global Monstrosity record label may result in a six figure settlement, so the past may also help to pay its financial debts. Yes, yes, I say.

Provided we are flexible about how we engage with it, the future seems entirely positive. Donbledore, who has run his personal finances to the point of maximum distress in support of the Vicar Chronicles, is so positive that he is making plans to be in England throughout the summer. At this point, I can only say that his faith seems well placed – despite all evidence to the contrary. Gradual changes happen suddenly, and we are approaching such a moment. Or we will pack up and go home. Or not.

And what of other matters, such as football. Along with the rest of the nation, I pinned on my badge, and dreamed the impossible dream. Unfortunately, a bridge too far. The artistry of Brazil remains unsurpassed.

Earlier in the week, I heard a pundit suggesting that the world cup was a triumph for free market economies (thus blaming France's early departure on the Euro). How might that same pundit interpret today's departure of England and the USA, I wonder. A wobbly stock exchange perhaps.

